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MWS Waste Treatment

World Class Technology

Medical Waste Services utilizes Bondtech Treatment Technology. These systems are designed for high vacuum and high pressure capability. Bondtech proprietary designed autoclaves are subject to a pre-vacuum cycle, saturated steam cycle and a post-vacuum cycle to facilitate faster and more uniform penetration of steam into the medical waste to be treated.
Bondtech autoclave's high vacuum is achieved by using a proven proprietary vacuum system design. Bondtech autoclaves are supplied with a locking ring, quick opening door which is used in the most sophisticated aerospace autoclaves, and designed with safety in mind. In this particular design, the door is stationary and the locking ring is mounted on the periphery of the vessel and is rotated through a short arc by hydraulic cylinders located on the side of the vessel.

Protecting the Environment by reducing waste volume

After autoclaving and compaction the waste volume is reduced in excess of 75%. Further volume reduction can be realized with the installation of an optional post-treatment shredder. The major advantages of steam sterilization are the low costs associated with this process as well as the reliability of this well-known technology.

MWS Five-Point Quality Control Process

No Atmospheric Pollution - As a non-burn steam heated treatment system, released dioxins and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are avoided.

Source of Treatment - The waste is exposed to 215°-240° F direct steam for up to one hour.

Minimal Chemical Impact - Each time the unit dumps a waste cart, a very small (ml) amount of bleach and water is sprayed into the cart dumper. The use of bleach in the system is approved by the USEPA, FIFRA branch for compliance with the USEPA standards, and does not have a negative impact on the environment.

Positive Environmental Impact- Treated waste volume is reduced by up to 90%, producing a lightweight, solid municipal waste, minimal landfill impact, and no soil, water, or air pollution.

Integral Shredding Process- This process applies live steam impingement to the homogeneous waste stream. Efficacy does not rely on conduction through bulk liquids or insulated layers of bags or boxes.




The Real Game Changer:  Conventional autoclaves require that the users place the medical waste into “autoclave bags” and liners made of polyurethane. Our technology doesn't! This amounts to huge amounts of plastics NOT being put into landfills. This is another way Medical Waste Services is reducing the carbon footprint of the bio-hazard waste industry. The conventional autoclave requires labor every step of the way, including numerous additional handlings of the waste, increasing your risks in all of the wrong ways (personal exposure, corporate exposure, public exposure). Our process is just different. Operating a clean, safe, and efficient treatment facility is the standard we maintain. 

What Makes Our Treatment Process Better

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