Medical Waste Services, LLC utilizes the latest and most advanced technology available in today's medical waste treatment industry. Our services embody efficiency, safety as well as compliance with the strictest environmental standards in our industry.
MWS Container Sterilization
Reusable plastic tubs have become the industry standard for storing and transporting bio-hazard waste. There are hundreds of thousands in circulation in the United States. Making sure those containers are 100% sanitized may be one of the most important steps of the medical waste process.
The MWS technology will expose multiple size containers to 16 jets producing 60 psi each. These jets are hitting every tub with a 360° surface contact rating. Our water comes out at 200° making sure that any contamination is eliminated on the containers before they are "blown dry" through our conveyor system.
Is your current medical waste service provider simply a "middleman" company that just drops it off with someone else having zero control of the process? That's not the case with MWS. We handle your tubs from cradle to grave controlling every aspect of the cleaning process.
What opportunity do you have to tour the treatment facility of the company you are currently using? MWS is happy to open its doors for a site visit so you can see first hand what we are up to.
Is there proof that the company treating your waste is even cleaning your containers before they come back into your facility? Can you smell the tubs in your office? Do they stink? Well, OURS DON'T. Just look below and you will see the technology of MWS. We have a five-point quality control process to ensure efficiency.
MWS Waste Treatment
MWS Five-Point Quality Control Process
No Atmospheric Pollution - As a non-burn steam heated treatment system, released dioxins and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are avoided.
Source of Treatment - The waste is exposed to 215°-240° F direct steam for up to one hour.
Minimal Chemical Impact - Each time the unit dumps a waste cart, a very small (ml) amount of bleach and water is sprayed into the cart dumper. The use of bleach in the system is approved by the USEPA, FIFRA branch for compliance with the USEPA standards, and does not have a negative impact on the environment.
Positive Environmental Impact- Treated waste volume is reduced by up to 90%, producing a lightweight, solid municipal waste, minimal landfill impact, and no soil, water, or air pollution.
Integral Shredding Process- This process applies live steam impingement to the homogeneous waste stream. Efficacy does not rely on conduction through bulk liquids or insulated layers of bags or boxes.
The Real Game Changer: Conventional autoclaves require that the users place the medical waste into “autoclave bags” and liners made of polyurethane. Our technology doesn't! This amounts to huge amounts of plastics NOT being put into landfills. This is another way Medical Waste Services is reducing the carbon footprint of the bio-hazard waste industry. The conventional autoclave requires labor every step of the way, including numerous additional handlings of the waste, increasing your risks in all of the wrong ways (personal exposure, corporate exposure, public exposure). Our process is just different. Operating a clean, safe, and efficient treatment facility is the standard we maintain.