Hospitals & Health Systems
Medical Waste Services, LLC is certainly not the largest provider of medical waste services in the Midwest. What we are, is a family organization driven by the same values as our larger client-partners. At MWS we understand that hospitals and health networks drive complex enterprises of coordinated patient care for the health and well-being of the communities they serve. Our shared missions are driven by safety, innovation, integrity, and cost-mitigation. MWS strives to work alongside healthcare organizations of every size to help them succeed in their growth, and the delivery of transformative healthcare.
"What happens to medical waste may not be at the for front of your patients' minds, but it certainly is ours. Whether or not their sensitive data is destroyed under the strictest industry guidelines might not be keeping you up nights, but it certainly keeps us busy 24/7".
Our dedication to helping our client-partners succeed is what has made us a trusted partner of some of the largest IDNs in the Midwest and the primary regulated waste service provider for the non-acute market with successful relationships with the four leading healthcare GPOs.
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Ask about weekly, bi-monthly, monthly or quarterly service. Our professionals are waiting to hear from you today!